How to prepare your pet prior to booking

How to prepare your pet prior to booking

Where is your pet traveling to?
Consider destination if local or international travel. Do you intend to break the journey, or stopover at an intermediate station? What is the pet's final destination?
What is your pet's size and weight?
Small dogs and cats can go in the cabin. There are some airlines that may not allow them in, and will transport them as special baggage in a heated and ventilated hold.
Do you have a suitable container for your pet?
It is very important that you purchase an appropriately sized container for your animal traveling by air.
How many animals will be traveling?
Remember, animals may become stressed and aggressive when traveling by air and should not be placed in the same container unless they are young puppies or kittens. Animals which share the same household may become stressed and aggressive towards each other when traveling by air.
Airline procedures
Always check with your airlines if they have specific procedures in place for the acceptance, handling and delivery of your animal.

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