Kiama is the quintessential beachside town that the NSW coast is famous for. It has several great beaches and its park, main shopping centre and train station are all close together and easily covered on foot. Filling in a day is easy with so much on offer for families.
No visit is ever complete to Kiama without visiting. The Kiama Blowhole. The natural rock formation spouts seawater 20 metres or more into the air. Spectators are drenched if they go too close to the Blowhole! The area is floodlit until 1am, offering an amazing night-time attraction. If the water spout is placid, drive 10mins south to the Little Blowhole which relies on the prevailing northeast seas.
The nearby lighthouse has breathtaking views and plaques with historical stories that tell the history of the area. The Pilot’s Cottage Museum is located there too. Step back in time and discover Kiama’s maritime history.