Rottnest Island is an Class A Reserve managed by the Rottnest Island Authority under the provisions of the Rottnest Island Authority Act 1987 (the Act) which establishes the Authority as a statutory body reporting to the Minister for Tourism.
Under the Act the Authority has the control and management of the Island for the following purposes:
to provide and operate recreational and holiday facilities on the Island;
to protect the flora and fauna of the Island; and
to maintain and protect the natural environment and the man-made resources of the Island to the extent that the Authority’s resources allow, repair its natural environment.
The Rottnest Island Authority became part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions from 1 July 2018.
The department brings together the functions and staff of the former Department of Parks and Wildlife with those of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Rottnest Island Authority and the Zoological Parks Authority.
The department is led by Director General Mark Webb PSM. The department has a strong emphasis on improving Western Australia’s natural attractions as key tourism assets, and creating opportunities for private sector investment and partnerships while conserving environmental values.