The dilemma: Leave your dog at home or take your dog trick-or-treating with the kiddos.
As by nature, pets are very protective and the constant ringing of the doorbell can be stressful for many furkids, adding to it the crowds and visitors who shop up at your front step are in costumes. Depending on the age of your dog and behaviour as your know it, you will be able to choose between having your furkid participate with the kids in trick-or-treating or if you should keep your dog safe at home.
Try to recall the past Halloweens how your pet has or have reacted to the number of kids who visited your house, was it a positive one or was your pet anxious? If the latter, it is best to stay home as to avoid any accidents or quarrels with other furkids who are happily out and about collecting candies. But if your dog is easy-going, fairly oblivious to other dogs, be all means, take him along! And one of the best parts of Halloween, is for the little one to be in costume too! Dress up your furkid in a costume that doesn't movement, sight, or breath.
Keep your pet on a leash as you wander down the street, safer for everyone, not just your furkid, but all the kids around a chaotic and exciting environment. And don't forget your dog candy! (Treat), a reward for good behaviour goes a long way.