Monty, Tasmania’s only Koala

Monty, Tasmania’s only Koala

Zoodoo Zoo is excited to announce the arrival of Monty, Tasmania’s only Koala, into the Zoodoo family.Born at Ballarat Wildlife Park in Victoria, 2 year old koala Monty has now taken up residence in a new and improved zoo habitat just in time for the Christmas holidays.Monty was bred as part of an Australia wide managed population of Koalas and Zoodoo has received him under the direction of the Zoo and Aquarium Associations Koala species management program. The Zoodoo team refurbished the Koala habitat in preparation for his arrival.The upgrades include new ‘furniture’ in the form of trees and logs for Monty to enjoy and better allow guests to experience this beautiful iconic Australian animal.

Come and visit Monty Today or book online at

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