If you are planning a family road trip to Adelaide, then you are going to have to get organised.
Road trips can be a lot of fun and a wonderful bonding experience. But they can also be tiring, frustrating, and stressful if your kids are bored.
No mum wants to hear ‘Are we there yet?’ every five minutes. So, to prevent them from repeatedly asking this question, it is important to do some prior planning.
In this guide, we’ll highlight some of the main things you can do to make your visit to the ‘City of Churches’ go smoothly.
Get these ducks lined up in a row, and you’ll find the only thing your kids will complain about is when it is time to go home!
It doesn’t matter how excited your kids are about the road trip. A surefire way for them to get antsy is if they are stuck in the car for hours on long stretches of highway where the scenery hardly changes.
Before you set off on your adventure, make sure you know the basic route you want to take. Whether you want to go the fastest or most scenic route is up to you. But when planning it, you should be aware of any roadworks or other potential delays and try to schedule regular stops for bathroom breaks, food, and stretching your legs.
Lengthy traffic jams are no fun, too. So, the best way to reduce their impact on your trip is to use apps like Waze or Google Maps during the journey to advise you of real-time delays and alternate routes you can take.
The last thing you’ll want to experience on your way to Adelaide is breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
So, before you set off, make sure you get your motor fully serviced by a mechanic. Doing this will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your trusty vehicle should be up to the task.
The more excited your kids are about the trip to Adelaide, the more they will want to do it. Therefore, it is worth doing your research about what fun activities they can enjoy when they are there and what interesting places they can see.
The Kids in Adelaide website is a great resource. So, it is worth getting your kids to check it out to see what appeals to them the most.
Some of the main attractions they may be interested in are the Adelaide Zoo, Beerenberg Farm, Melba’s Chocolate Factory, and many beautiful beaches in the area, like Brighton and Glenelg. All of which will leave them bursting with anticipation.
Hangry children don’t make for great travel companions, which is why it is important to keep them fed on any road trip.
Make sure you pack plenty of food items with you, which you can enjoy on a picnic, and lots of snacks that can be eaten in the car when the hunger pangs start to hit. You should also bring lots of water and hydrolytes to prevent you all from dehydrating.
If your budget can stretch to it, look for a nice family-friendly restaurant to stop at for lunch – RSLs and surf clubs are always great choices!
Bearing in mind that as you are on holiday, you should be aware that FoodSt offers meal delivery in Adelaide, which can be a great option for mums who don’t want to cook while they are away.
Many parents are anti-devices. But for your sanity, allowing your kids to play on their phones or iPads can be a godsend during a road trip because it can lead to peace and quiet and no moaning!
It is also a good idea to encourage your children to bring books, their favourite toys, and some art activities to pass the time. If all else fails, getting them to play ‘eye spy’ or ‘spotto’ will always be a winner.
Music is essential to any road trip, but unfortunately, radio stations can be a bit hit-and-miss with their offerings. In some parts of the journey, you might also struggle to get a reception, which can lead to boredom and uncomfortable silence.
For this reason, it is worth creating a playlist on a streaming service like Spotify specifically for your journey that incorporates songs your children love.
A good sing-song will make the journey much more fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.
Kids have boundless energy, so keeping them cooped up in a car for long periods is not good. This is why you should make a point of stopping at fun places, such as parks, beaches, or other interesting attractions on the way to Adelaide.
Although doing this will extend your journey time, your children will be more stimulated and less angsty during the driving stages of your trip.
There is nothing worse than desperately trying to find a place to sleep for the night in fading light with tired kids in tow. Not only can this be very stressful, but it can also be an expensive option.
Booking hotels in advance is a very sensible thing to do on a road trip and can save a lot of time and money. Talking of which, here are some ways you can travel as a family on a budget.