One can never stress too much the importance of healthy eating in a child's life as this is the basis of our child's health, growth and development. First is to maintain good physical activity, not only for one's weight, but this is vital to establishing healthy practices in the later years. Be more physically active as many ways as they can. From sports to clubs, activities that will enjoyable that they will want to repeat this activity. It's about letting them have fun, in an active way, therefore lessening the time spent on sedentary activities, like video games or watching TV.
They can be active as much as they want, make sure you replenish the nutrients and energy in their body with a healthy meal. It is very important that they drink plenty of water and at the same time limit the intake of sugary beverages. Prepare healthy snacks. Home-cooked family meals are always the best, as you can control what food they eat. Teach them the habit of a big breakfast – the best way to start the day.
Often times, we focus more on implementing rules that we ignore another important part of healthy living, it's about showing support, encouraging our children. If you have already implemented this in your family, kudos! If you are just about to gradually change your family's physical and eating habits, you can take it slow, until the family adjusts to the changes in their diet and even in their daily physical activities.