We are our children’s No. 1 fan, their lifelong supporters. And that is a fact. The support from their parents is one of the keys to helping them do well in life. Academically, this is true as well.
We can support them in different ways to keep our children on track and their way to being successful students.
Attend Parent Teacher Conferences.
Get to know your child’s teachers, find out what their expectations are. There are different programs and activities your kids can be a part of. Meeting regularly keeps you updated on school events and happenings. Teachers will discuss with you the progress they see and the lack thereof. It will help you pinpoint what kind of help you can give your child if any is needed, or how to help maintain their current state or even add to their progress.
Learn About The School
Visit or browse through the school’s website. Knowing the school gives you something to talk about with your child. You will be able to connect better and understand more of their day to day stories.
Being updated with the school’s events, homework assignments, projects lets your kid’s know that you are interested in what they’re doing even if they’re at school and not at home.
Support Homework Expectations
We know that homework helps reinforce and extend classroom learning, homework helps our kids develop a sense of responsibility, a trait that will well extend outside the classroom.
Create an effective study environment for your child. A quiet workspace, well-lit and complete with supplies. Couple this with a schedule, so your child knows it’s not always homework at home. This teaches them time management as well.
Let your child know you are always available to offer guidance and help review completed work, you can help them complete the answers without providing the answers directly.
Help them learn. They will make mistakes, you are there to help them correct it. Mistakes are part of the process. When they learn, they won’t make the same mistake twice.
Teach Organizational & Study Skills
Being organized helps your child stay focused. Have an assignment book and folder handy if the school does not supply this. This will help your child (and you) keep track of homework assignments and projects, including deadlines. Regularly check this so you’re not only familiar with the assignments, you can also make sure your child is not falling behind.
Teaching your child how to break down tasks into smaller ones, “Chunking” can help prevent the sense of being overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done. Being ahead, preparing for tests and presentations, your child will not feel a sense of panic, as he will always be prepared for surprise quizzes or recitations.
These early years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child's education and to set the stage for children to develop and grow as young learners.